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Monday, 20 May 2024

10 years of this blog

I started this blog 10 years ago.

The most popular post was at the start of the pandemic, where I wrote a detailed post How I teach Remotely I had been doing that for many years before the pandemic; I could have written it before any lockdowns started.

The next most popular post was Something funny is about to happen to prices which talked about some of the weird things that I predicted would happen as we started getting negative electricity prices. I assumed that Australia would develop industries that made use of nature's subsidy; but alas, Australian industry is too uncompetitive even if electricity is free-er than free.

After that, there were some posts about how to fix things in HP DataProtector. I think I was expecting the blog to be mostly about data protection: the first post was about HP's confusing line-up of overlapping backup products, and identifying when it was cheaper to go with one choice over the other. HP no longer have overlapping backup products -- they sold them all to Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Entco Microfocus OpenText who now has a confusing line-up of overlapping backup products (different ones). Those a

Anyway, it looks like what I should be writing about is extrapolations into the future of what I'm seeing happening now. That's good. I have started writing a book on what we should expect in the next 5 years in AI, so I'll post excerpts as I write it.

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